13 December 2010

Practical information for winter walks and sledging:

Going down with your sledges and winter walks are both a lot of fun but you have to be aware of some important points.
  1. Dress accordingly, better more layers than you can take off than less.
  2. Take a warm thermos with you.
  3. Take a change of socks.
  4. When walking, always stay on the path; outside of the tracks the snow can be very deep and it's impossible to walk on such snow without proper snowshoes.
  5. We normally each take one child with us on the sledge.
  6. Hold them tightly, we have seen one mother loose her child. Luckily, all were unhurt.
  7. If you topple over, go to the side of the slope as quickly as possible. Some people go down at high speed.
  8. Use your legs to break or generally if you don't want to go too fast.

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